OSX 995 • Developing an Effective Hotel Safety Program

NOTE: Students interested in this course should contact the CSUDH OTIEC at osha@dlokoko.com.

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OSX 995 • Developing an Effective Hotel Safety Program

Course Description

This course covers OSHA and Cal/OSHA standards, policies, and procedures with regards to hotel and hospitality industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA and Cal/OSHA standards, hazard assessment and safety and health principles. Special emphasis is placed on hazard recognition and abatement of the most hazardous conditions found in hotels.

Upon course completion students will have the ability to define common occupational safety and health terms, identify common hazards found in hotels and the hospitality industry, and determine appropriate procedures and best practices to eliminate or reduce employee injury.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the effects of workplace injuries and illnesses
  2. Identify applicable OSHA and Cal/OSHA standards to the hotel and hospitality industry
  3. Describe the process for OSHA inspections, citations, and penalties
  4. Recognize common hazards in hotels
  5. Identify potential strategies to eliminate or reduce employee exposure to hazards

CEUs: 1.5
Prerequisites: None
Course Length: 2 days
Recommended Materials: Pen, pencil, highlighter and writing pad